Skelly students learn how to get around in wheelchairs
Paul and Adele Wilkins
Nathan Sherwood; Drew Carney; Jenifer Davis; Tom Simmons
Judy Slayton with Quilting Connections quilt 1994
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
USD 490 admin retreat training
Blackmore, Grandview, and Skelly Elementary PLTW Distinguished Schools
Mary Ann Culbertson, John Culbertson, Regie (Culbertson) Fulghum, Ashley Culbertson, Jessica (Culbertson) Walter, and Drew Culbertson
EHS cheer squad on their way to camp
Welcome to the pride Midge Simmons Grandview Principal
Peyton Heilman and Kenzie Marshall attend HOBY Leadership Seminar