Three El Dorado High School students led a project as part of Youth Leadership Butler (YLB) 2023 that donated over 400 new blankets to Sunrise Children’s Home in Andover in November.

Koda Emler, Kaylinn Hoover, and Sophia Beggs worked together to come up with the idea for and to organize the blanket drive to benefit local children who have been removed from their homes.

The YLB program invites high school juniors from across Butler County to learn more about their community and the needs of the people that live there. Students discuss what the biggest needs are, and what they might be able to do to not only shed light on that need, but what they might be able to do to help alleviate it.

“YLB was a wonderful way of showing how everyone in Butler County is connected,” Emler said.

The project taught the participants important communication skills and balance in working together to make an impact in a meaningful way.

Emler recommends other students take advantage of the opportunity to participate in YLB if they have the chance.

“This would be a great start for anyone wanting to try something that might be out of their comfort box,” Emler said.

For more information about Youth Leadership Butler, please visit their Facebook page: